On May 4, the MIT Global Languages German group and MIT-Germany hosted the event. Speakers and presenters included Per Urlaub, Global Languages Director; Dagmar Jaeger, Senior Lecturer in German; Kurt Fendt, Senior Lecturer, Comparative Media Studies; Justin Leahey, MIT-Germany; and special guests Sonja Kreibich, Consul General of Germany to the New England States; and Jörg Süßenbach, Director of the Goethe Institute Boston.
This year’s first prize winner is Sherry Nyeo’ 23, for her essay “Die Einsamkeit des Schachspiels” written in the 21G.420 Visual Histories class. She won a round-trip ticket to Germany. Heartfelt Congratulations! Additional prizes were awarded as well. Please find the complete list of this year’s winners here.
This year’s prize is sponsored by Global Languages, MIT-Germany, and the Consulate General of Germany, Boston.
Per Urlaub, Director of Global Languages, speaking
Left to right: Sherry Nyeo, first prize winner; Justin Leahey, Managing Director, MIT-Germany
Jörg Süßenbach, Director of the Goethe Institute Boston
Standing: Sonja Kreibich, Consul General of Germany to the New England States
Kurt Fendt discussing Sherry Nyeo’s work
Dagmar Jaeger, Senior Lecturer in German, congratulating students